Nursing Beyond the Vital SignsNursing Beyond the Vital Signs

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Nursing Beyond the Vital Signs

Nursing is so much more than simply popping a thermometer in a patient's mouth or recording a blood pressure. In my time as a nurse, I have participated in life saving efforts when time was critical, I have held a mother's hands when her newborn baby was being prepped for surgery, and I have looked into the terrified eyes of an elderly person in pain. Nurses literally go into battle, serving in military operations all over the world. They also learn and implement the latest in medical technology. This blog is to highlight nurses and prove that they deserve respect and appreciation for all that they do.

Is It A Yeast Infection Of Chlamydia? Your Gynecologist Can Tell

Many women suffer from painful discharge immediately following intercourse, before intercourse, or even after not having intercourse for a lengthy period. Two common causes of this problem, yeast infections and chlamydia, are easy to confuse with each other. However, one type is more likely than the other depending on your current sexual life and both require treatment from a gynecologist.

Yeast Infections Are The Most Common Cause Of Discharge

Painful discharge after intercourse is usually the result of a yeast infection. Don't be embarrassed if you are experiencing this problem, because up to 75 percent of women experience one or more yeast infections in their life. They typically are most noticeable during intercourse, though may cause discharge even without it. In fact, these infections can even occur in women who aren't having regular intercourse.

However, if you have recently changed partners or found a new one after a lengthy period without, then you may be suffering from a more serious issue. Venereal diseases are unfortunately very common and your new partner may not have been tested for a disease such as chlamydia. Unfortunately, Chlamydia may not cause symptoms for a long time or ever--so they may not even know they are passing it on to you.

How Chlamydia Differs From A Yeast Infection

Yeast infections and chlamydia can both be caused by sexual intercourse. However, chlamydia is unlikely to occur unless you have changed partners recently or have had multiple partners in a short period of time. If this applies you, there is a good chance that your discharge may not be related to a yeast infection but may have been passed to you by a new partner.

The frustrating thing about chlamydia is that symptoms may be rare or fail to show up until the disease has spread through your body. When you do feel symptoms, you're going to suffer discharge that looks very similar to that caused by a yeast infection. Whatever the cause of your discharge, you need to see a gynecologist right away.

Getting Diagnosed By A Gynecologist

No matter what health issue is causing your discharge, it is important to talk to a gynecologist right away. These professionals will diagnose whether or not you have chlamydia or a yeast infection and will choose an appropriate treatment. Even though it may be hard, it is important to open up about your recent sexual history to give doctors a better idea.

For example, if you recently changed partners and believe it is chlamydia, the doctor can not only treat it with the use of antibiotics. You will also want to contact your partner and give them treatment. If it is just a yeast infection, the doctor will give you a different type of antibiotic treatment. While yeast infections may also be caused by newer partners, they can also occur at any time--unlike chlamydia.

So if you are suffering from discharge and aren't sure what is going on, talk to a gynecologist right away. This step can help protect you from the dangers of both of yeast infections and chlamydia and keep you safe and healthy.