Nursing Beyond the Vital SignsNursing Beyond the Vital Signs

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Nursing Beyond the Vital Signs

Nursing is so much more than simply popping a thermometer in a patient's mouth or recording a blood pressure. In my time as a nurse, I have participated in life saving efforts when time was critical, I have held a mother's hands when her newborn baby was being prepped for surgery, and I have looked into the terrified eyes of an elderly person in pain. Nurses literally go into battle, serving in military operations all over the world. They also learn and implement the latest in medical technology. This blog is to highlight nurses and prove that they deserve respect and appreciation for all that they do.

5 Tips for Managing Chemotherapy Nausea

For many patients, nausea is a common first side effect of chemotherapy. For some, this can lead to significant weight loss, particularly if not dealt with early. Being underweight could undermine chemotherapy treatment, especially because vomiting can also lead to difficulties in keeping medication down orally. As such, it's important to have a preventative plan in place before treatment begins. The risk of nausea increases depending upon the method of delivery, the dosage amount, and how frequently the medication is administered. 

There are many ways you can reduce nausea during chemotherapy, you can start with some of the following ideas.

Ask About Nausea Medications

Anti-nausea medications are generally started early to prevent nausea before it starts. Different types of chemotherapy can cause varying levels of nausea and your doctor may prescribe these medications if they believe you are more likely to develop it as a side effect based on the chemotherapy treatment you are receiving. 

Eat More Frequently

Sometimes, feeling sick to your stomach could be a result of not eating food often enough. Try to not space out meals for more than a few hours at a time, and if you are having trouble keeping meals down, try to keep an array of snacks nearby that are easy to access.

Make a Cup of Tea

Teas, such as ginger, can help to soothe an upset stomach. Make a fresh cup with raw ginger root, or carry chews or lozenges containing ginger.

Consider a Medical Cannabis Card

Some research has indicated that cannabis can reduce nausea more effectively than conventional medications. Nausea is one of the primary reasons people discontinue chemotherapy, making these results promising for positive treatment outcomes in the future. Talk to services like Medical Marijuana Certifications LLC about receiving a medical marijuana card.

Experiment With Different Foods

Chemotherapy can change your sense of taste, so try to step outside your comfort zone and eat foods you may have not had before. You may find you prefer spicy or sour foods over sweet, or vice versa. You can also try varying the texture of your foods, meal times, and meal sizes until you find what works best for you.

Nausea caused by chemotherapy treatment can be frustrating, especially when you find you no longer enjoy foods you previously did. Remember to try to focus on prevention first, and coordinate with your doctor so that you can find a holistic approach to get relief.