Hire A Caregiver To Help Your Loved One
If your father's health is declining, his medical provider may have suggested that he have someone assist with day-to-day responsibilities and the administering of medication that will stabilize his condition. It can be a rude awakening to deal with a sudden change that doesn't sound promising. If you are unable to assist your dad on some days, a health aide can step in for you.
Know What To Expect
It is imperative that you have a complete understanding of your dad's prognosis and the level of care that he requires. If the doctor's orders mainly pertain to your father receiving enough rest, eating a healthy diet, and taking his medicine, there is no reason why you shouldn't step in to help when you can.
During the hours that you are working or handling other responsibilities, however, a caregiver will pick up the slack and can be a great asset, since they will be able to hold conversations with your dad or even entertain him with board games or reading materials. Speak to the overseer of a home aide business and share your dad's medical history, current condition, and daily requirements. You will be matched with an aide who can assist with your loved one's care.
Ease Into The New Routine
It is expected that you and your father feel apprehensive about having a 'stranger' come into his home, and it may take some time for your dad to warm up to the aide. Don't leave your loved one at home with his caregiver, until you have had the opportunity to show the aide the schedule that is to be followed.
It will be reassuring for you to be present during the transitional phase. This will also provide the aide with the convenience of asking you about any of the steps that are unclear to them. Prompt your dad to talk about himself, as long as he feels well enough to do so. During this time, the aide will learn about your father's personality and some of his interests. This information will help the aide form a bond with your dad. The aide may contemplate what they have learned and they may wish to surprise your dad, during the next visit, by bringing along some specific reading materials or a calming table activity that your dad has shown an interest in.
Keep your father's doctor informed about your dad's status and his relationship with the aide. For information about health aides, call a company like Polish Helping Hands.